
To organize efforts in preparing for emergencies and to find and grow educational tools and programs to help the community stay safe.

Sustainability &

To engage and educate the Sylvan Highlands Neighborhood in sustainable practices, environmental stewardship and related community projects.

Planning &

To review and organize efforts about development, permits, zoning and transportation issues.

Communications & Fundraising

Be an Ambassador to help build community and spread the word of why our neighborhood is so wonderful!

Which committee is best for you?

We invite you to attend committee meetings to see the scope of the work they oversee.

Interested in new developments or street planning? The Planning & Transportation Committee may be of interest to you.

Are you or your neighbors prepared for an emergency? Attend our Emergency Preparedness Committee meeting to see how you can be prepared.

Are you concerned about cleanliness of our streets or issues like noise and safety? Attend our Livability & Safety Committee meetings and learn what they’re doing and how you can be part of the solution.

Are you passionate about community and planning social fundraisers and events? Attend our Communications & Fundraising Committee to help spread the word of why our neighborhood is so wonderful!

Send us an email and we will connect you with the right Committee Board Chair!