A task force of 8 terrific neighbors has worked hard to address speed, safety, parking, and congestion problems on SW 58th for the past several months, ever since a land-use notice was received proposing higher density development at 1494 and 1512 SW 58th. Main Street Development proposes to build fourteen additional 4-story townhomes, each requiring only one parking space per unit according to City code. However, the townhomes are 3-bedroom units, so we expect an additional 14-20 cars to park on the street. Moreover, though the developer is required to add sidewalks in front of the complex, this development will eliminate the current parking for the duplex and single-family homes on either end of the development pushing more cars onto the street.
The Safe58th Task Force representing Sylvan Highlands Neighborhood Association (SHNA) researched the City development code and explored options within various Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) sections, including Safe Routes to School, Parking Enforcement, and Traffic Engineering. A traffic study was conducted for one 24-hour period. Armed with the results, the Task Force requested a meeting with Jo Ann Hardesty, Commissioner in charge of PBOT and the Office of Civic Life, which is responsible for neighborhood livability issues.
SHNA was bolstered by the responses of over 130 neighbors who took the time to complete a letter of support addressing the speed and safety issues on SW 58th Avenue. All letters were presented to the Commissioner in May, in advance of a Task Force presentation with Commissioner Hardesty.
Unfortunately, when the Safe 58th Task Force finally had the opportunity to share its presentation with the Commissioner, the neighborhood’s concerns were dismissed midway through the call. Commissioner Hardesty interrupted and explained that PBOT is 5 billion dollars behind in deferred projects and that SHNA’s concerns about safety, traffic, and congestion on SW 58th are nowhere near the top of PBOT’s priority list; in fact, they are not even on the radar.
On June 8th (two weeks later), Commissioner Hardesty attended our monthly membership meeting. The meeting was requested as part of her outreach as Commissioner in charge of the Office of Civic Life. Yet, at that meeting, when asked if she knew where SHNA is located or who we are, she replied, “No.” It was a surprising answer. Her meeting with the Task Force, coupled with their illustrated and documented presentation, provided to her in advance, and the Safe58th link on SHNA’s website, also provided in advance, showed maps, location, and a thorough explanation of the issues. In neither case had she familiarized herself with the issues. At the close of the meeting, she advised the neighborhood to follow up with her staff assistant, Derrick Bradley, to explore resources available through her office.
On 6/22, SHNA Land Use Chair Kneuven contacted Hardesty’s staff assistant and received disturbing news: According to Mr. Bradley, Commissioner Hardesty and PBOT do not view SHNA’s speed and safety concerns as a priority. Nor would the Commissioner’s office advocate for PBOT to conduct a feasibility study to explore alternative approaches to solve our problems.
Mr. Bradley requested a neighborhood survey to illustrate levels of support for intended solutions to our traffic problems.
We need your help. Please take a moment to take our survey so we can better serve you!
Please review the Safe 58th Task Force’s work. Link here
The Safe58th Task Force continues to seek solutions for Sylvan Highlands. Land Use Chair Kneuven regularly engages with the planner for Main Street Development on behalf of neighborhood interests, so your feedback is needed.
We hope to find low-cost solutions to address neighborhood concerns on SW 58th and reduce the amount of cut-through traffic.
A Big Bouquet of Thanks to the Safe 58th Task Force members:
John Kingery, Chair Lillian Malek
Andy Hatch Krystal Carmona
Stephanie Yao-Long Rick Kneuven, Land Use Chair, rkneuven@gmail.com
Elizabeth Davis Sally Kneuven